Tag Archives: quote

My new Mantra

Hello all,

I have found a great new quote which I’d like to share.


Repeat whenever you want to buy whatever you do not really need, or whenever you desire sweets and actually want to lose some weight 😀

I just love this quote,

Have nice weekend,


What to do…

Hi everyone,
I have gone through tough weeks recently.
And I have learned something usefull again 😉
I am not a person who gets angry easily. You must be really mean to unfriend me, when you once had my heart. But also I do not forgive certain things.
So of course, there are few issues, which I have carried with me. And in the past weeks, when I really did not know if I can carry even more, I came across a quote:
So I have forgiven. Everything. I sat down, wrote it all on a piece of paper and thorn it into pieces.
And you know what? I am FREE. It is easier to carry the recent trouble now.

I needed 36 years and a lot of struggle to learn this lesson and hope it may help you.

Thanks for reading,
